About Us

The Hungarian Self-governing National Community (Muravidéki Magyar Önkormányzati Nemzeti Közösség) is the umbrella organisation of the Hungarian autochthonous national community in Slovenia. Its purpose and task are to preserve the Hungarian national community in Pomurje, its mother tongue, national identity, the implementation of their special rights that are secured by laws and The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, as well as the assertion of their needs and interests. The Hungarian Self-governing National Community was established in line with The Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia on the grounds of the Act on Self-Governing National Communities.

After the successful completion of the Programme for the Advancement of the Economic Base of the Hungarian National Community 2017–2020, the Hungarian Self-governing National Community is carrying out the programme for the next period that lasts from 2021 until 2024. Both programmes are aimed at developing the economic base of the region inhabited by members of the Hungarian autochthonous national community, which means creating new jobs and preserving existing ones, establishing new infrastructure and modernising the existing, and increasing the attractiveness of the programme area.

The programme consists of three measures:

  • promoting investment in the economy of the programme area,
  • promoting tourism activities and products,
  • area promotion and support for the implementation of the programme.

The aforementioned measures form a correlated whole of several areas, with the implementation of which we want to create as many new jobs as possible whilst simultaneously preserving already existing ones, establishing new infrastructure and modernising the existing, as well as increasing the attractiveness of the programme area as such, but primarily we want to offer support when taking the opportunities that the programme area as such has to offer. The area offers various tourist sights and the number of tourists is increasing year after year. The area also bears a rich Hungarian-Slovene bilingual culture, folk traditions, gastronomic specialties and wines, as well as the chance to enjoy an active holiday and try the healing thermal water of the area.


Glavna ulica 7, 9220 Lendava

+386 2 575 14 49