
This sweet bread that resembles a swaddled baby is one of the most peculiar and unique European sweet breads that used to be baked for weddings. In the regions Göcsej, Hetés and Prekmurje, this specialty is called fumu.  

This braided sweet bread in the form of a swaddled baby was a necessary requisite of weddings and christenings because it was the symbol of fertility, of the future and of life. The fumu is made of yeast dough. This dough is divided into three braids, each with a different filling. These are then braided together. The sweet bread is made of delectable ingredients and its form resembles a swaddled baby. It needs to be true to the size of a newborn baby. The fumu used to be the godmother´s present but later on the immediate family, close relatives and even friends started bringing fumus as presents.

The newborn-sized fumu used to be swaddled and handed over during a small staged performance which included the christening of the dough infant and was concluded by sharing the fumu with the people present, in this way demonstrating the close bond between family members.

Over the years, the fumu has been pushed into the background by more modern cream-filled pastries and cakes. Nonetheless, we hope that there will still be some crafty hands left in Prekmurje that will preserve this interesting and valuable dough making tradition.

Source: www.muravidekiertektar.si