45th Travel Exhibition Budapest

Between 23rd and 26th February, 2023, the Travel Exhibition Budapest opened its doors for the 45th time at the HUNGEXPO Congress and Exhibition Centre. As part of the "Programme for the Promotion of the Economic Basis of the Hungarian National Community", we participated at the event for the fourth time.

The theme of the 2023 Travel Exhibition was sustainability in tourism which also includes the reduction of the environmental footprint and taking responsibility for sustainability and taking social responsibility.

The four-day event traditionally devotes special attention to one area of the home country, as well as one foreign country, and both are presented to visitors on a larger scale. This year´s home country guest was chosen by the organisers in accordance with the exhibition´s main mindset: “BalatonBike365 – Cycle in the Area of Lake Balaton All Year Round!”, while the foreign guest country was Madagascar.

The exhibition offered travel experts and travellers possibilities to meet, possibilities for networking and for getting to know market trends and tendencies. To us, it gave a chance to present Prekmurje through our publications, cycling maps and other promotional material as an interesting destination, full of adventures, cultural and natural sights, events that help preserve olden customs and as a destination which, with its rich gastronomic offerings, inspires travellers to explore it.