Step into the Virtual Space Too!

The renovated website with colourful content awaits everyone who is interested. With the help of the short descriptions, photographs, maps and videos, anyone can easily get to know the diverse region of Prekmurje.

The panoramic introduction is a novelty and so is the virtual walk that is presented in four languages. All of the sights can be seen through a panoramic, 360°-degree photograph which offers the possibility of a realistic viewing of the exterior as well as of the interior because you can have a look all round a particular space. The website also offers a detailed virtual walk which, with the help of linked panoramic photographs, takes you on a tour of the bilingual area of Prekmurje. The arrows, notes, videos and maps that are placed on the panoramic photographs make the experience even more exciting.   

The viewing of the virtual walk is independent of the platforms it is viewed on; therefore, it is viewable in all browsers and on all devices – laptops, desktop computers, mobile phones and tablets.