New Promotional Material has been Published

During this week, a new publication for children, along with two games, including the traditions, events and sights of Prekmurje was published. The new promotional material presents different sights, interesting events and the precious traditions of the area where people of mixed nationalities live in an interesting and unique way.

Bushytail´s Trip Around Prekmurje, the publication intended for children, is a bit different from the previous ones and includes new characters. The youngest children can trace the eventful route of Bushytail, the adventurous squirrel, with the help of colouring pages while Bushytail takes a trip around Prekmurje and gets to know the area and makes new, lifelong friends. 

The new publication can not only be flipped through in printed form but can also be seen online at the website under the ˝Multimedia˝ button.

Particularly special are the two games that present the characteristics of Prekmurje. The card game, based on the Black Peter card game, presents different sights, the rich local folk traditions and events. Similar is the Domino board game, the illustrations of which primarily include traditional handcrafted products and natural treasures.