The Website Has Got a New Look

One of the pillars of the “Programme for the Promotion of the Economic Basis of the Hungarian National Community” is the development of tourism and the promotion of the area where people of the Slovenian and Hungarian minorities jointly live. Among other activities that support this idea was the establishment of the website www.muravidé in the spring of 2019. Last week, this website underwent a complete overhaul of its visual appearance as well as content.

 “This morning”, the renovated website was presented during a press conference at the headquarters of the Pomurje Hungarian Self-Governing National Community. The portal in four languages that is constantly updated still includes the sights, events and customs of Prekmurje, each of which are accompanied by short descriptions, maps, photographs and interesting videos. A new topic called “Life Stories” has been added where users can read about people who lived and worked in the area and who, through their lives and work, left a significant mark on the history of humankind. The website continuously publishes news concerning current events and activities, as well as the yearly announced tender that is part of the programme.

Apart from these, the “Multimedia” part was also extended, and it now offers new publications that were published this year: the extended edition of The Pearls of Prekmurje and Laura and Erik´s Cycling Adventures in Prekmurje. A further novelty is the virtual walk, as well as the three applications that will be available on the website by the end of the month.